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Practice Exams

Ace Your Exams with Realistic Timed Practice


Step into the shoes of exam day with our timed practice exams, designed to replicate the exact pressures and structure of the real Barrister and Solicitor exams. This isn’t just practice—it’s your ultimate preparation tool!


Why Choose Our Timed Practice Exams?​
  • Authentic Simulation: Experience the same time constraints and question styles you’ll face on exam day.

  • Expert-Designed Content: Crafted by legal professionals to reflect the most up-to-date legislation, case law, and exam standards.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Each exam includes 160 multiple-choice questions, blending fact-based and scenario-based challenges to test your full range of knowledge.

  • Detailed Feedback: Understand every answer with in-depth explanations and references to key legal principles.


Exclusive Features to Boost Your Confidence:​
  • Submission Options: Complete your attempts in “Simulated Exam” mode for the full 4.5-hour examination

  • 90-day access: Get full access to each exam all on our website for 90 days from the date of purchase


Don’t just hope for success—prepare for it. Our timed practice exams give you the tools, experience, and confidence to tackle the Barrister and Solicitor exams head-on.


Buy now and take the first step toward passing with flying colors!

Barrister Practice Exam 1

160 multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions with a 4.5 hr. timer covering all topics of the Barrister exam: Professional Responsibility; Civil Litigation; Criminal Law; Family Law; and Public Law.


Barrister Practice Exam 2

160 multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions with a 4.5 hr. timer covering all topics of the Barrister exam: Professional Responsibility; Civil Litigation; Criminal Law; Family Law; and Public Law.


Solicitor Practice Exam 1

160 multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions with a 4.5 hr. timer covering all topics of the Solicitor exam: Professional Responsibility; Business Law; Estate Planning; and Real Estate.


Solicitor Practice Exam 2

160 multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions with a 4.5 hr. timer covering all topics of the Solicitor exam: Professional Responsibility; Business Law; Estate Planning; and Real Estate.


Free Mini Practice Barrister Exam

50 free multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions covering all topics of the Barrister exam: Professional Responsibility; Civil Litigation; Criminal Law; Family Law; and Public Law.


Free Mini Practice Solicitor Exam

50 free multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions covering all topics of the Solicitor exam: Professional Responsibility; Business Law; Estate Planning; and Real Estate.

Practice Question Sets

Exciting Updates Coming Soon!


The Ontario Bar Pro team is hard at work updating our open and untimed practice question sets for 2025! We're dedicated to ensuring our materials reflect the latest LSO updates to question styles and Barrister and Solicitor exam content, as seen in the most recent 2024 exams.


We know how important it is for you to have the most accurate and effective prep tools, and we’re leaving no stone unturned to provide you with the best possible resources for your success.


We truly appreciate your patience and support as we finalize these updates. Be sure to check back soon—the updated question sets will be available for purchase shortly, and we can’t wait to help you prepare for your bar exams with confidence.


Thank you for choosing Ontario Bar Pro to support your journey toward becoming a licensed legal professional. Stay tuned—we’ll see you at the top!

Barrister Practice Question Set

300+ multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions covering all topics of the Barrister exam: Professional Responsibility; Civil Litigation; Criminal Law; Family Law; and Public Law. 


No timer. Save and continue your progress with 90-day access.

Coming Soon


Solicitor Practice Question Set

300+ multiple-choice questions, blending short and long fact-based questions covering all topics of the Solicitor exam: Professional Responsibility; Business Law; Estate Planning; and Real Estate.


No timer. Save and continue your progress with 90-day access.

Coming Soon

How We Recommend Taking Our Exams

Important Notice for Ontario Bar Pro Customers​

Thank you for choosing Ontario Bar Pro to prepare for your Barrister and Solicitor exams! Please review the following important information before purchasing and using our practice exams:


​Stable Internet Connection is Key​

We strongly recommend using a reliable and stable internet connection when taking our timed practice exams. This will ensure you avoid any technical interruptions during the 4.5-hour simulation and prevent the loss of your answers or progress.


Privacy and Progress Storage​

For privacy reasons, OBP does not store your exam answers or progress until you click “Submit” on the final question of each exam. If you lose internet access during the exam:

  • Select “Save and Continue”.

  • Email yourself the link provided by our partner and exam provider, FlexiQuiz, to resume later. The exam timer will pause, and you’ll retain your 90 days of access from the purchase date.


Simulating the Real Exam​

To replicate the actual exam experience and minimize potential interruptions, OBP strongly encourages students to complete each timed exam in a single 4.5-hour sitting.


Other Study Options

If you’d prefer to study at your own pace, consider purchasing our Untimed Practice Question Sets, which allow for greater flexibility while still delivering the same high-quality questions and explanations.


Refund Policy

Due to the nature of our digital products, OBP is unable to offer refunds for any purchases. We appreciate your understanding.


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Thank you for trusting Ontario Bar Pro with your exam preparation!


We’re committed to providing you with the best tools for success. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us.​

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